Ron Parker wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jan 1999 13:10:21 -0800, Ken <tyl### [at] pacbellnet> wrote:
> >Maybe this will help -
> >
> >
> > 10 Big Myths about copyright explained
> >[...]
> I guess I knew all this. The question is, does this use
> constitute "fair use?" Personally, I doubt it, but I'm
> looking for other opinions. I'd hate to have to put a can
> of "POV Soup" in my image if I could have a can of
> Campbell's. No disrespect to POV intended, of course. :)
This issue came up early in the IMP and it was decided for legal
reasons that all artwork would be original. We had wanted a coke
can rotating through space drifting past the camera as "space junk".
This of course would be illegal and without express permission
from the manufacturer would have put everybody in potential legal
harms way. It was therefor decided all artwork would be original
and without reference to any known trademark material.
If we take the case of the Disney co. then you would know you had
better run and hide if they find you using any of their coprighted
or trade mark creatures. They persue and procecute every case
regardless of their seeming innocence. I read in the newspaper
once of a daycare center that had a few Disney characters painted
onone wall of the kids playground. Disney made them remove the
"offending" images.
You have a valid question - should the i.r.t.c. even allow the
submission of such materials ? I would think they would want to
be very cautious on this issue since the entries go into a
nationaly distributed CD.
The bottom line say's it is illegal to use copyrighted material
without the express permission of the creators/owners permission
and any violation of this puts you in legal harms way. The fact
that this kind of legal infringment occurs on a daily basis, has
increased dramaticaly since the proliferation of the internet,
and the fact they can't catch everybody, probably leaves you in
a pretty safe place.
I say "Let your conscience your guide".
Ken Tyler
tyl### [at] pacbellnet
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